Sandoval Reconvenes New Energy Industry Task Force

CARSON CITY, NV - February 23, 2016

Governor Brian Sandoval today signed Executive Order 2016-04 reconvening the New Energy Industry Task Force to advise the Governor's Office of Energy on ways to promote the development of renewable energy and distributed energy resources in Nevada.

"There are few more critical issues to Nevada's future than clean and renewable energy. Not only does this sector drive many economic development opportunities, but it also helps us improve the quality of life for many Nevadans by helping keep our air clean, water fresh, and allows us to explore our unlimited potential in the wealth of renewables Nevada has to offer," said Governor Brian Sandoval.

The Task Force will work with the Director of the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy, who by law serves as chair and appoints the members, to provide recommendations on the best energy policies for Nevada's future and will specifically address policies that achieve the following:

  • Encourage development of clean energy sources and integrate renewable energy technologies into Nevada's energy sector;
  • Create a modern, resilient, and cost-effective energy grid; and
  • Support distributed generation and storage, with a specific focus on rooftop solar and net metering.

"Nevada was already well on the road to compliance with proposed federal regulations concerning carbon emission rate reductions," said Sandoval. "That rule is now under scrutiny by the U.S. Supreme Court. This task force will work with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection and other stakeholders to determine the best path forward for our state, a uniquely Nevadan solution that balances energy efficiency, economic development, and environmental stewardship. The Task Force will be making recommendations for the state to consider with regard to future EPA compliance issues, but more importantly to do the right thing for the people of Nevada. I have also asked the director to look into rooftop solar and Nevada's energy grid so that we are prepared with any necessary legislation in time for the 2017 session of the Nevada Legislature."

The New Energy Industry Task Force has been established pursuant to Chapter 701 of the Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) to advise the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy on ways to promote the development of renewable energy and distributed energy resources in Nevada. In 2011, the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy and the Nevada Public Utilities Commission were directed through Executive Order 2011-18 to coordinate and work collaboratively with the New Energy Industry Task Force to provide recommendations to the Governor on issues regarding renewable energy generation within the regional energy transmission market, and that work yielded a proactive path forward for Nevada.

"There is a continued need for collaboration and cooperation and among all stakeholders in order to develop the best plan for Nevada's renewable and sustainable clean energy future. The New Energy Industry Task Force will provide an important arena for these discussions to happen and work to develop policy recommendations that will keep Nevada a national leader in renewable energy technology, commercialization, and innovation," said Angela Dykema Director of the Nevada Governor's Office of Energy.


Angela Dykema, Director Nevada Governor's Office of Energy - Task Force Chairwoman
Kathryn Arbeit, First Solar
Josh Nordquist, Ormat
Beth O'Brien, Pattern
Jeremy Susac, Sunstreet
Starla Lacy, NV Energy
Kyle Davis, Davis Strategies
Danny Thompson, AFL-CIO
Tom Ewing, GSL Electric
Matt Tuma, Governor's Office of Economic Development
Patricia Spearman, Nevada State Senator
James Oscarson, Nevada State Assemblyman



Mari N. St. Martin
Communications Director
(775) 684-5670