New Energy Industry Task Force 2016

Governor Brian Sandoval issued an executive order in January 2016 reconvening the New Energy Industry Task Force and charging it with providing recommendations on the best energy policies for Nevada's future. The Task Force specifically addressed policies that encourage development of clean energy sources and integrate renewable energy technologies into Nevada's energy sector, foster the creation of a modern, resilient, and cost-effective energy grid, and support distributed generation and storage with a specific focus on rooftop solar and net metering. The order stated that clean and renewable energy is important to the economy and environment of the State of Nevada. The Governor's Office of Energy Director served as the chair of the Task Force, which also included members of industry, utility, environmental interests, Nevada Legislature, as well as representation from other valuable stakeholders.

Meeting Information

 Meeting Date/Time  Description   Notice and Agenda   Meeting Materials Minutes and Recording 


9:00 am

New Energy Industry Task Force

Notice and Agenda

Governor's Accord, Executive Order, E-MAP Project, PUCN PresentationEMAP ProgramClean Power Plan, Proposed TAC List, NV Energy Presentation



04/08/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Grid Modernization

Notice and Agenda  

NEAC Report, Synapse Report  

Minutes, Recording

04/14/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

Governor's Accord, Executive Order, DG on Grid, E3 NV NEM, Current NEM, Cost of Services, Aligning Cost of Service, Public Feedback  

Minutes, Recording  

04/15/2016 12:00 pm

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources   

Notice and Agenda

Policy and Carbon Emissions, Energy StatutesNV Energy RPS  



04/28/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

Smart Inverter Benefits, PUCN Ruling Summary, Procedural Order, Committee Proposals, Economics of Distributed Energy Resources, Smart Meters, DER Integration, StorEdge 

Minutes Recording

05/02/2016 1:00 pm

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

ACEE-Job Creation, Clean Energy Potential, SWEEP-(1)EV Environmental Benefits, (2)NV Fact Sheet, (3)EE Policy Ideas, PEW-EVs, PACE, ASE-Decoupling, SEIA-Decoupling, Renewable Energy Benefits, AEE-Advanced Energy Deployment

Minutes, Recording  

05/12/2016 12:00 pm   

Technical Advisory Committee on Grid Modernization

Notice and Agenda

(1)FERC, (2)Renewables Integration, (3)System Ops & Control, (4)Energy Storage,(5)Security & Resilience, (6)Institutional Support, NERC, Grid Security, VEA, Rural Perspective, Rural Approach, NV Energy, FERC Electric Storage  

Minutes, Recording

05/16/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

Questions for TAC, Agenda3-PLAN, Agenda4-Clean Energy_IRP Proposals, Agenda4-Clean Energy_IRP Attachment 1, Agenda4-Clean Energy_IRP Attachment 2, Agenda5-RPS Proposals, Agenda5-RPS Attachment, Carbon Fee Proposal, Emme Proposal, Laybourn Proposals, Taylor Proposals, Nordquist Proposals, Davis Proposals, Cuneo Proposals, Polikalas Proposals 

Minutes, Recording

05/18/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

Energy Storage Memo, SEIA Letter, Agenda5-TAC DGS Proposals, Agenda6-PUCN, Agenda7-Building Codes SNHBA, Agenda8-Tesla, Agenda9-NV Energy Managing NEM1 Queue  

Minutes, Recording

05/26/2016 9:00 am

New Energy Industry Task Force

Notice and Agenda

New Energy Industry Task Force Recommendations, Governor's Planning Framework, Proposed Amendment  

Minutes, Recording

06/06/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

Agenda(4)-Amendment, Agenda(4)-Attachment(1), Agenda(4)-Attachment(2), Agenda(5)-CPP IPM Modeling, Agenda(6)-AEE Presentation, Agenda(6)-RFF Supporting Materials, Agenda(6)-Nicholas Institute Supporting Materials, Agenda(6) AJW Supporting Materials, Agenda(6)-AEEI Supporting Materials  

Minutes, Recording

06/16/2016 2:00 pm

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

Agenda(3)-CGC Green Bank Study, Agenda(4)-Snyapse Energy Valmy Economics Analysis, Agenda(4)-Synapse Energy Valmy Economics Report

Minutes, Recording

06/28/2016 9:30 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

(5)STEM Presentation, (6)Storage Procurement Targets Proposal, (6)Nevada NEM Motion 



06/29/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committees on Distributed Generation and Storage, Grid Modernization

Notice and Agenda

(3)NV Energy-Grid Modernization, (4)NV Energy-Transmission System Planning, (5)NRDC/Solar City-Net Energy Metering, (6)Solar City-Distributed Generation and Planning, (7)Storage Procurement Targets Proposal



07/12/2016 1:00 pm

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

(4)ACEEE-Building Better Energy Efficiency, (5)Clean Energy Incentive Program and EE Policy, JN Amendment, JN Amendment Data, JN Amendment Data 2

Minutes, Recording

07/19/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committees on Distributed Generation and Storage, Grid Modernization

Notice and Agenda  

(4)ARES Nevada, (5)Storage Investigation Summary, (6)New Yorker Magazine, (7)Pacific Northwest-Energy Storage Applications, (10)SNHBA-Green Building Solutions, (10)SNHBA-Energy Scoring, (11)Sunstreet-Tax Credit Presentation, (12)Storage Procurement Targets Proposal, (12)TAC DGS Motion, (12)TAC DGS NEM Proposal



07/27/2016 9:00 am

New Energy Industry Task Force

Notice and Agenda

(4)NEITF May 26 Recs, (5)IRP Projections, (5)Planned Capacity, (5)Fossil Fuel Constraint Proposal, (5)RPS Compliance Outlook, (5)Lazards Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis, (8)NRS 701A.450, (9)NEITF Final Recs 2013 

Minutes, Recording 

08/15/2016 1:00 pm

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

(4)PNM Low Income EE Programs, (4)New Mexico Legislation, (5)Trading Under CPP, (6)Case For Carbon Tax

Minutes (Draft), Recording 

08/16/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

Consumer Reports: Leasing vs. Buying Solar Panels, Storage Procurement Targets Proposal, Energy Storage Cost Effectiveness, TAC DGS Motion, Nevada NEM Motion, TAC DGS Nevada NEM Proposal, Storage TAC Workshop Draft, TOD TOU Net Metering

Recording, Minutes

08/29/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Clean Energy Sources

Notice and Agenda

CES TAC Recommendations, ClimateParents Recommendations, (4) Benefits of Regional Collaboration, (5) NV Energy Baseline Analysis for CPP

Minutes (Draft), Recording

09/12/2016 9:00 am

Technical Advisory Committee on Distributed Generation and Storage

Notice and Agenda

DGS TAC Workshop Proposals, SEIA Solar Business Code

Recording (Part 1),

Recording (Part 2), Minutes


Technical Advisory Committee on Grid Modernization

Notice and Agenda

(5)368 Energy Corridor, (5)368 Periodic Regional Reviews, (6)Grid Modernization TAC Recommendations, (7)NREL Modernizing the Grid, Washington Grid Modernization Effort



09/27/2016 9:00 am

New Energy Industry Task Force

Notice and Agenda

Work Session Document, NEITF Draft Report, Energy Storage Policy Presentation, Energy Storage Procurement Targets Presentation, NDOM Geothermal Presentation

