Renewable Energy Tax Abatements

The Renewable Energy Tax Abatement program came under the Governor's Office of Energy's jurisdiction in July 2009. The program awards partial sales and use tax and partial property-tax abatements to eligible renewable energy facilities. The Governor's Office of Energy staff reviews the abatement applications, conducts public hearings to determine eligibility, and reviews annual compliance audits after abatements have been granted.


    Regulations for the program were adopted in 2010. The state has approved 54 tax abatement applications, which include large scale solar PV, solar thermal, biomass, geothermal, and wind projects throughout the state.

      Renewable Energy Tax Abatement Application

      Annual Compliance


        Tax Abatement Projects

        Statutes and Regulations

        The Renewable Energy Tax Abatement Program is authorized by NRS 701A.300-701A.450 and NAC 701A.500-701A.660.


           Supporting Documents



            Rachelle Doubinkine
            Program Manager
